The Auckland Cactus and Succulent Society
Society Meeting Information
Page update 28-2-2023

Meetings - third Thursday of each month except December.

VENUE starting Thurs 21st January 2021
We are now at the Western Springs Garden Community Hall,
956 GREAT NORTH Road, Western Springs, Auckland.
...(Just Across the grass from the previous Hall)...
Still on the 3rd THURSDAY of the month.
.....Plant sales 7.00pm......Meeting 7.30pm...
See the Plant Competition Schedule for the dates each month.

956 Gt North Rd, Western Springs.
Entrance 956 Gt North Rd, Western Springs.

Subscriptions - Subscription for a full member is $40, and others living at the same address become associates, at a further $12 each.
A junior under 18 is $12. and a Junior associate is $5.

Raffle - cheap tickets, a prize of plants or books or memorabilia.

Plant Sales - members may sell plants at the sales table, providing a source of excellent inexpensive plants. Please get in touch with  Gloria if you wish to sell plants.

Pot Sales - pots and occasionally other useful supplies are available at meetings.

Potting Mix - the Branch recommends Coramandel Cacti potting mix, as it is specially formulated for our plants. A description of the mix is described on the back of our newletter. (see News)

Ballot Sales - about every four months, a sale of larger plants is held. A ballot system ensures a fair chance for all members to get the one they want.

Library - a wide selection, from the very latest to older classics. General, specialist and books on cultivation. Please get in touch with the Librarian for further details on what is available in the library.

Mammillaria spinosissoma taken
at the Auckland Show 2000.

Plant Displays - three groups of "competition" plants are displayed each month, one "novice" (membership 5 years and under) and one "open" There's usually a talk on at least one of these. The third one is a display section - Flower, Foliage & Form [FFF] This can be any cacti or succulent plant that has any of these 3 qualities.

      Plant Competition Schedule (click)

Newsletter - E-mailed or posted a few days before each monthly meeting, it includes information on the next meeting, plants, cultivation and general information. Contributions to Max are very welcome.

Collection Visits - members collections may be visited by individuals or as part of organised tours. Please get in touch with the club's secretary, to arrange a collection visit. NOTE : This is only open to society members! Thankyou.

Other - during meetings there are generally talks on specific plants and members can bring in problem plants or plants that need identification. This is a great way to learn more about cacti and other succulents as well as get to know other members.

Haworthia truncata
taken at the Auckland
Show 2000.